Clutter eats equity

Spring is in the air. After every frigid snow event we end up with temperatures in the 50’s. Time to start the spring-cleaning process. Clutter eats equity. An overly cluttered house will look and feel smaller. It may even give you an uneasy, unsettled feeling. In some cases, you may even feel buried alive surrounded by mountains of stuff.

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Letting Go of Your Stuff

Ready to purge the excess and not sure where to start? Think something has value so you end up keeping it because you don’t know what to do with it. This was my life for the last 6 months before moving. Read more

Anatomy of a Room Redesign Part 1

Less is more unless you’re trying to have a functioning family multipurpose room. A reader asked for help with redesigning her family room. This column will share the dialogue between us to understand the needs of the family in order to create a functioning, attractive space. Follow the journey and stay tuned to my next column for my suggestions. This may help you access a room in your own house. Read more

Many Notes to Self While Downsizing

Did you ever have full conversations in your head where you ask questions and answer them? This is what happens on a daily basis when you prepare to move.

Random thoughts, questions and plans pop into my head constantly, sometimes at 2am. Insomnia is my new nightly habit and I am thrilled, excited, stressed, overwhelmed all at the same time, 27/7. It is a lot to deal with.

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Let it go!

Labor Day weekend marks the end of the summer. As I write this column for the first weekend of September, enjoying a delightful cucumber/watermelon seltzer, thinking how I’m running out of time to let go.

Downsizing, moving and trying to get it all done is extremely stressful.  Already got rid of many items yet there is so much more to purge. Some things are easy to let go while others, not so much. Read more

Have you caught the ‘almost Spring fever’

The official day of spring is March 20 but as I write this on a warm day of 70’s in February, Yes It just snowed the other day. Yes the temperatures will drop again and we will get ice or snow. But getting this close and feeling this warm is close enough! I officially caught spring fever and so had the Spring Real Estate market.

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Hit the refresh button

Hibernating bears are onto something. The frigid cold snap had me nesting and staying home. When the temperatures soared to 35 degrees, it felt spring.

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Nesting time

With cooler temperatures, I find myself wanting to stay home. Nesting season is upon us and to create a comfortable environment at home, it helps to free up the space of things that are no longer working for you.

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Tips to transition into autumn

This fall seems to be more like summer. It’s hot then chilly then hot again. Change is definitely in the air even though summer is lingering. This is the optimum time to get ready for nesting season. Here a few suggestions that may inspire you.

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Clean + De-clutter = SOLD!

September has always been the start of a new year for me. Unlike January and new year resolutions, the weather is more civilized so you can set goals and create action plans to get things done. I’m ready to get back into a routine that includes cleaning and editing.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. A clean, organized home feels good and if your home is on the market, clean sells homes. Everyone has degrees of what is acceptable or even qualifies as clean. The reality is this: you may be able to tolerate your own unkempt home and let things go but no one can stand someone else’s uncleanliness. In fact, it is a big turn off.

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