Favorite Local Finds for Gifting

Try supporting small local businesses, artists, makers and friends with service-based businesses. Yours truly is being gifted by a husband as a surprise for his wife who has been wanting a consult with me. You may choose to shop online but even that can be with local businesses. Here are a few favorites.

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A stager preps her house for sale

As I sit here wondering what to write about, I think of change and how so many fear change. The one thing that is constant is change. I’ve worked with a few clients over the years that have a hard time with change. One client, during a staging consultation, had an issue with moving a chair away from the fireplace. “It has always been there”, they said. I explained how it was blocking the view to the fireplace and how we are selling the house and its beautiful architectural feature is hidden behind a chair upon entry into the space and in photos. The chair stayed put and the house lingered on the market for a very long period of time. The energy was blocked.

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Living in an authentic home

The authentic home is your own home that reflects your personality and lifestyle. It not only functions, but also looks and feels good. If there is a room that is not being used, try to figure out why. If no one uses the family room because it feels uncomfortable, that’s not an authentic room.

Simple changes can transform a space. It’s all in the details. The right color, whether a new paint color on the wall or new accent pieces, can refresh a space. Sometimes all that is need is editing, de-cluttering, rearranging furniture and a few new decorative accessories, your home can be an authentic home.

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Plant a seed and lighten up

Inspired by The Beekman 1802: Boys A Seat at the Table book I thought, “Why not host an open house showcasing the local artisans featured in my last column?” It was during one of my busiest weeks. My house wasn’t decorated except for a few Poinsettias. No time to make appetizers or signature cocktails. It was a run to the store for food to thrown on my table and felt like a deer caught in the headlights. This was not my plan.

What did I learn? It didn’t matter. Everyone had a great time, friends brought food and drinks and the vendors sold merchandise. Everyone was relaxed but me. It was a great turnout. My new mantra is ‘lighten up’. Life is hectic but if you are spending it with people whose company you enjoy, that is all that matters.

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Shop small for the holidays

As much as I love the convenience of shopping online, I love to support local artisans and small independent business owners. Some have storefronts, studios, are web based or by appointment only.

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Tips to transition into autumn

This fall seems to be more like summer. It’s hot then chilly then hot again. Change is definitely in the air even though summer is lingering. This is the optimum time to get ready for nesting season. Here a few suggestions that may inspire you.

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Clean + De-clutter = SOLD!

September has always been the start of a new year for me. Unlike January and new year resolutions, the weather is more civilized so you can set goals and create action plans to get things done. I’m ready to get back into a routine that includes cleaning and editing.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. A clean, organized home feels good and if your home is on the market, clean sells homes. Everyone has degrees of what is acceptable or even qualifies as clean. The reality is this: you may be able to tolerate your own unkempt home and let things go but no one can stand someone else’s uncleanliness. In fact, it is a big turn off.

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Summer Real Estate market heats up

Summer has finally arrived and the Real Estate market has heated up. The savvy seller has been prepping their home for sale and not waiting till the last minute. This time of year also brings out the buyer for second homes. Location is everything, especially waterfront properties especially in the summer.

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It takes a team to sell a house

Your home environment is the foundation for your family’s life. Over time, the house may get neglected. By getting acclimated to how things appear, we can’t be objective to see the potential for change or the necessity of it. It may need a facelift. This is usually the case when it is time to put the house on the market. It takes a team to sell a house.

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