Mixing Wood Tones

Hi Claudia, 

I would love your professional advice. I’m in the process of decorating my dining room. We just purchased new chairs and will be repainting our dining room table a bit darker to give it a fresh look. I just can’t decide on the sideboard. Should I get one that matches the table or a different color? – Suzy, Monroe, NY  Read more

The Thrill of the Hunt for your Home

As I write this, I am on my laptop looking out the window at the Hudson River waiting for a tropical storm/tornado/hurricane. Thanks to the news and weather apps, the warnings have been constant for the last few days. This has me thinking of the months to come and preparing for the unpredictable. Read more

How to Stage Your Home to Sell

June 2, 2020 by Lexi Klinkenberg

If you are thinking about listing your home for sale and moving to Dallas or Atlanta, now is the right time to start getting your home staged properly. Staging is much more than just cleaning and decluttering your space. It emphasizes the beauty of your home and shows it in the best light, giving potential buyers a great first impression of the space they could call their own. We had experts in the field share their tips with us on how to stage your home to sell. Read more

Creature of New Habits

Once upon a time, 2 months ago, I would make a grocery list and shop once a week. Now I am shopping minimally, maybe once a month. My new normal will be mindful shopping with less frequency. Read more

Change is Good

My column is appearing on a new day after appearing on Sundays. For those who have followed me here, thank you. For those who are new to Claudia’s Corner, welcome! Let me introduce myself. Read more

Preparing for nesting at home

September feels like the start of a new year whether dealing with a school schedule or not. My family’s back to school days have ended yet it still feels like it’s time for a fresh start without the January pressure of New Year resolutions.

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Anatomy of a Room Redesign Part 2

In my last column I started the redesign process of a reader’s family room. Every family’s needs are different. The space should look good, feel good and suit the needs of the family. Read more

Updating Over the Years Will Help When Selling your Home

There are two types of homeowners: those that buy a house and live in it without updating and those that do. Overtime, things break down and need repair and replacement. Most people stay on top of the breakdowns. While you are not paying attention, your house is getting dated.

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Nesting time

With cooler temperatures, I find myself wanting to stay home. Nesting season is upon us and to create a comfortable environment at home, it helps to free up the space of things that are no longer working for you.

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