Setting the stage for a sale!

Creating a memorable experience is the goal of any professional stager when staging a vacant home. Staging creates a lifestyle to capture the attention and tug on the emotions of the target market of the house. When that connection is made, the house is sold.

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Nesting time

With cooler temperatures, I find myself wanting to stay home. Nesting season is upon us and to create a comfortable environment at home, it helps to free up the space of things that are no longer working for you.

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Clean + De-clutter = SOLD!

September has always been the start of a new year for me. Unlike January and new year resolutions, the weather is more civilized so you can set goals and create action plans to get things done. I’m ready to get back into a routine that includes cleaning and editing.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. A clean, organized home feels good and if your home is on the market, clean sells homes. Everyone has degrees of what is acceptable or even qualifies as clean. The reality is this: you may be able to tolerate your own unkempt home and let things go but no one can stand someone else’s uncleanliness. In fact, it is a big turn off.

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Time to clear the energy of the house

After years of staging homes going on the market I decided it was time to work on my own house. For those of you who have remodeled while living in your house, you know the stress level is high.

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