Officially retired!

Claudia is no longer staging as she is officially retired. Yay! Thank you for being part of my staging journey or reading my former Claudia’s Corner column. My blog has all of my columns. Happy trails!

September Nesting

September has always been the beginning of a New Year for me. January pressure for resolutions at a seasonally depressing time of year is something I never connected with. But September, ah sweet September, a time of new beginnings, cooler temperatures, and my birth month.

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No place like home

Trying to make the best of our current situation, it is the perfect time to nest and improve your personal space. Read more

Newburgh’s Vintage Shopping Destinations

From vinyl records to home goods and décor, everything old is new again. An increasing number of people under the age of 45 are buying vintage and antique items. The quality, sustainability and convenience are not just a trend but conscious change. Read more

Moving forward into the New Year

As 2019 comes to end, we prepare for new beginnings. The holiday hoopla is about to end then back to our routines. Instead of New Year’s resolutions, which adds more stress and pressure, let’s consider a manageable plan of action and a change in mindset.

Every step, even baby steps, are a move forward. Consider implementing small actions. Some are easy for instant satisfaction. Others are more time consuming.

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Cooking with summer’s fresh produce

Chef Cathy Vogt recently held a Summer Taco Cooking Party at Watergrasshill Bed and Breakfast in New Paltz, NY. Attendees learned how to chop, pan sear, season and work with local ingredients to create a delicious meal. I participated in this hands-on cooking class. My task was to make 2 salsas, tomato-pepper and mango salsa. We all worked as teams and shared a delicious meal of Summer Squash & Basil Soup, Pan Seared Chili Lime Cod, Spicy Mushroom Walnut Taco filling, fruit salsa, guacamole, crunchy vegetable slaw. The food was fresh and flavorful. Read more

Updating Over the Years Will Help When Selling your Home

There are two types of homeowners: those that buy a house and live in it without updating and those that do. Overtime, things break down and need repair and replacement. Most people stay on top of the breakdowns. While you are not paying attention, your house is getting dated.

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Clean + De-clutter = SOLD!

September has always been the start of a new year for me. Unlike January and new year resolutions, the weather is more civilized so you can set goals and create action plans to get things done. I’m ready to get back into a routine that includes cleaning and editing.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. A clean, organized home feels good and if your home is on the market, clean sells homes. Everyone has degrees of what is acceptable or even qualifies as clean. The reality is this: you may be able to tolerate your own unkempt home and let things go but no one can stand someone else’s uncleanliness. In fact, it is a big turn off.

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It takes a team to sell a house

Your home environment is the foundation for your family’s life. Over time, the house may get neglected. By getting acclimated to how things appear, we can’t be objective to see the potential for change or the necessity of it. It may need a facelift. This is usually the case when it is time to put the house on the market. It takes a team to sell a house.

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